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Photo Credit @bettyslunkuse

Howdy, the International Women’s Day is closeby (8th March), and here’s a list of a few activities that you could indulge when the day is here. 

  1. Go on a Solo Date.
Go on a solo-date. PhotoCredit @bettyslunkuse –

In the world of so much noise, everyone is always up to something, going somewhere, and doing so much. But that’s not all, we are constantly under pressure to be productive, and often feel guilty for doing nothing, or simply relaxing. Something must always be going on. 

But, Make the day special – You can choose to take yourself to your favorite restaurant or hangout, relax, or do something that you bask into, harnessing your inner self. After-all, if you don’t give yourself a break. Who will? No one is going to love you or celebrate you better than you. 

  1. Organise a Women’s getaway or retreat 

Honor the women in your life, or take the women in your life out. Absolutely! You can choose to celebrate the women in your life, by organizing and calling them for a women’s gateway or retreat. Take them on a spa date? Go for a picnic? A boat cruise? Book an Airbnb in the Mountains, or by the beach, relax, eat and laugh the day out? It’s worth it!

  1. Join / hangout with other Women’s societies

If you’re not organizing one, or if you don’t have the means, you can join other women or female societies that are already on the move. They have booked a rendezvous, they have prepared the activities, basically all you have to do is pay a certain fee and show up. Why not? This is one sure way to network and meet new people, who may challenge you to aspire to bigger goals. Usually women in communities like these are not about competition. They are about collaboration. So there you are, now part of a new sisters’ network and guess what? You’ll look back in a year’s time and celebrate that you made this decision. 

  1. Pause, reassess your life, decisions and goals

Women’s day can also be your personal day to pause, reflect, reassess your life and goals. You can stay at home, make yourself a meal or even order a delivery, and open your journal. What have you been able to achieve so-far? How much progress have you made, what hasn’t moved according to plan and how would you like to change it? Go back to the drawing board. 

Slowing down on a day such as the International Women’s Day, and simply loving on yourself, can be rejuvinating for both mind, body and soul. Give yourself the grace to just be. Until next time, cheers!

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